We Know Handwashing
Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company. We are dedicated to improving well-being through our products and services.
Every day, hundreds of millions of people rely on our hygiene products to live healthier lives. Through our Essentials initiative, we are raising awareness of the connection between hygiene, health and well-being, contributing to better hygiene standards around the world, and continue to explore how we can shed light on important perspectives related to hygiene that are being ignored or left unspoken. Hygiene is of utmost importance to us, and we partner with organizations like the United Nations Foundation to support hygiene initiatives.
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Our Global Leading Professional Hygiene Brand
Essity sustainably develops, produces, markets, and sells personal care and tissue products including the global leading professional hygiene brand Tork. We produce napkins, hand towels, toilet paper, soap, wiper products and digital solutions used in commercial settings such as office buildings, restaurants, schools and healthcare facilities. Chances are you have used our Tork napkins at a school, major sporting venue or fast food restaurant near you!
For more information, visit http://www.torkusa.com

Who we are
Meet Our Partners

Essity partnered with the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) in 2018 to pilot its first handwashing education program in North America. In October 2016, Essity met with the SDP for the first time to learn about the handwashing education needs of the district. The head school nurse administrator confirmed that poor hand hygiene, which leads to student illness and absenteeism, was a concern. It was also noted that SDP was without a dedicated program to educate students in this area. Essity introduced a handwashing education program for SDP’s Pre-K students as a result. SDP is the eighth largest school district in the nation, by enrollment. Essity’s North American headquarters is located in Philadelphia.

Temple University conducted a study related to Essity’s pilot handwashing education program with the School District of Philadelphia. Temple’s team of researchers evaluated Essity’s program, which was conducted in two Pre-K schools in the School District of Philadelphia in early 2018. The Temple team will share the study results in late 2018, which will feature an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, to include handwashing knowledge and quality of handwashing and impact on reported absences and illness.

The Fund for the School District of Philadelphia is an independent 501(c)3 not for profit organization that serves as a fiscal intermediary between the private sector and the Philadelphia public education system. Essity partnered with the Fund as a part of establishing its relationship with the School District of Philadelphia to launch the handwashing education program. Essity shares the Fund’s commitment to supporting the success of the students of the School District of Philadelphia.

The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP) is a nonprofit coalition committed to promoting handwashing with soap on a large scale. Through advocacy initiatives such as Global Handwashing Day, the GHP aims to drive forward, develop, and share knowledge to strengthen handwashing implementation. Essity is a Supporter of the GHP, which has provided input on Essity’s handwashing education program.